Tips for working at home during a quarantine

Tips for working at home during a quarantine

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Working from home. The autonomy to do chores while working, take a nap over lunch, and work until you can’t see straight because there is no longer a closing time, or so it is perceived.

Work from home can be seen as magical, but in reality, it is just like going into an office if you do it correctly. Here are some tips to have a productive work/ life balance during the quarantine.

1. Keep a schedule

Keeping a schedule allows you to not get into a work slump. Waking up at your normal time, getting ready (not wearing pajamas), and starting your day with breakfast is going to set you up for success. If your typical workday starts at 8, keep that time. Start making calls, working on projects, doing research, whatever you need to accomplish, start at the same time. This also means, end your day at the same time. Keeping a work life balance is going to still be important even if you can’t leave the house.

2. Be in contact with co-workers

Now more than ever, you are going to feel alone and want to connect with people. So, do so at work! Ask for help when you need it, host meetings with video conference instead of just a conference line. Find projects to work on together, find someone who has more knowledge and ask them for extra help during these times. Some businesses are going to be slower than normal; this is a great time to learn more or a hone a skill you’ve been working on.

3. Take Breaks

Just because you work from home, does not mean you have to constantly work. In a normal office you would go to the workroom or kitchen to get snacks, drinks, talk to a co-worker, do the same in your home office. Give your brain a break so you do not get fatigued.

4. Dedicated office space

The quarantine has everyone scrambling to figure out work from home, most houses are not set up to have an office or a dedicated space to work from, let alone two if you live with someone, or if you have kids, to also having an education space. Spread out. Find a corner, or a table that you can dedicate to working, I do not recommend the couch, surprise naps are a thing. In our house, Sam has an office upstairs (he was previously working from home) and I have a corner of our large dining room table that is all mine. Be mindful of the space you choose and what distractions can come from it.

5. Create boundaries

As you choose your dedicated space, look for distractions. Areas that dogs frequent, kids running around, the doorbell ringing, or the ghost that haunts that one room. None of these are cohesive to working. Try to find a quiet space away from all the nonsense. However, this may easier said than done. In that case, set boundaries. Tell the ghost to leave you alone from 8-5, make sure the kids understand what it actually means when mommy is on the phone, or tell your spouse that part of the house is off limits during work hours. Also, set boundaries with work. Just because you are working from home does not mean you have unlimited time. It is important for you to continue to set that boundary, your life does not end with this quarantine.

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