How to survive a quarantine

How to survive a quarantine

Day 145, I write to you from my couch as I have been surviving a quarantine since October. Day 145, I have not been able to touch people, shop like normal, drink and party like I want, and be in large groups. Still not sure how me, an extreme extrovert has made it this far. But there is a reason all of the staff at Texas Oncology not only knows my name, but the name of my wigs.

There are a few ways I have survived this long and I wanted to share tips on social distancing, food, exercise, and mental health. I am not a professional, but this is how I have survived this cancer journey.

1. Connect with friends and/or family

I know, this one sounds weird as we are quarantined, but technology is king. Share meme’s on Facebook, text, or FaceTime. Facetime has been a godsend while I have been undergoing treatment. It has allowed me to connect with friends or family, especially on days when I do not feel up to talking, Facetime has allowed me to make faces at people, or just feel more connected. There are also free downloads that will allow you to have more than one person on a video chat. It’s like a virtual party, Facebook chat allows you to have multiple people on a video chat, even if you don’t have the cool portal, which I highly recommend. Also, you can watch Netflix with friends and family, go to

2. Eat Healthy, within reason ;-)

This is very important when you are quarantined, it is easy to eat all the bags of Doritos and chocolate you can get your hands on. You will be less active during the quarantine and more susceptible to getting sick, even if it’s just the cold or a tummy ache, and that is not fun. Try to continue to eat healthy, high protein, leafy greens will keep you feeling top notch!

3. Stay active

This one can be a little hard, but walking around the neighborhood, or using body weight to get a workout in will not only keep your body moving but can help eliminate stress. The anxiety around this quarantine is real, having a mind body connection during this time is going to be beneficial. Staying active will also help your brain, continue to read, play puzzle games and mediate. I love word puzzle games to help keep the brain fog away.

4. Celebrate every day

There may seem like a lot is wrong in the world, and that was before the quarantine. Every day is a reason to celebrate. As you may have read in my Live Everyday post**, 24 hours is a blessing. Find a way to celebrate or be grateful for the day. Sit outside with your coffee/tea in the morning, cheers to the end of a busy workday, eat a favorite food, watch your guilty pleasure, or online shop (a little, let’s not go broke). Find a way that allows you to enjoy the day you have.

5. Get Creative

One of the things that has kept me sane in the 145 days of being quarantine is putting my brain to use and getting creative. I have written more posts, created vinyl’s for jeeps, designed a successful T-shirt “fundraiser,” and organized my fridge almost every week. These are things that bring joy to me and help me feel more at peace. Find what brings you peace and harnesses your energy in a productive way. Home projects, teaching your pets new tricks, teaching your kids new tricks, whatever floats your boat!

To survive a quarantine with a significant other may pose other concerns. First and foremost, if you are not in a safe environment, please reach out to authorities so they can remove you from the situation. If you are in a safe place and are just unsure if you can handle so much together time, here are some tips for you.

1. Silence is golden

It is totally okay to sit quietly near each other and still feel connected. A lot of noise and conversation can be overwhelming and sometimes quiet is necessary. The quiet does not mean anything is wrong, in fact, it can mean the opposite. It can mean being comfortable with the person you are being quiet with. This quiet also gives you some space from another in tight quarters.

2. Have date night at least once a week

Date night does not have to stop because your social calendar seems bleak right now. Spending one night a week doing something a little different can keep the love in the relationship. Since you cannot leave the house, I suggest getting dressed up, and planning a night! This can be a new movie you purchase on Amazon, a cheese board creation, or cooking a new recipe together. It’s a fun way to separate all the togetherness for something more meaningful.

3. Find separate hobbies

There is going to be a lot of togetherness, so some alone time may be needed. I write, Sam plays video games. It’s a nice break from having to be together during quarantine. Do separate things.

4. Binge watch TV

This is a complete no brainer. It is time to binge watch everything y’all have ever wanted to see. EVERYTHING! Pick shows you both have been dying to see but have not had the time. This is a great topic of conversation as you run out of things to say to one another. Some of my favorites to binge: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, YOU, McMillions, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, Scrubs.

5. Cook together

One of my favorite things to do with Sam is cook. He cuts the veggies and I cook. But every once and a while, we come up with new recipes together or create something we think is unheard of. This allows us to be creative while being active and healthy. Healthy is not always a thing, because sometimes we create desserts.

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