A Tribute to My Father

A Tribute to My Father

Today, January 10th, my fathers birthday, Sam and I wanted to share with you how we plan on keeping my fathers memory alive with our children. 

First, our son will be born in June. His due date is June 21st, the anniversary of my father passing away. This is an odd coincidence that we felt meant something spectacular. A reason to celebrate this day instead of dread it. In the next few months, I will be putting together a book for our son with memories and pictures of my father. One he can use and learn from for years to come. I am excited to share this with him and read it to him as a baby. He will know how loved he is by his pop pop in heaven. 

Second, our son will bare the name Michael, after my father. This is the highest honor we could bestow on our son. My father was a man to admired and so will our son. We hope to pass down the lessons my father shared with me to him. For this boy will know no limits, fear no obstacles and will be loved and cared for beyond belief. 

Our sons full name will be Michael Allen Larson. Allen serves another strong purpose, Sam and his father share the middle name Allen and we will be honoring the men who hold this name. This is a strong name, rooted in love and honor. We are proud to share it with our son and look forward to raising him with pride. 

**EDIT: through posting this we found out the origin of Allen for the Larson family. Allen was to honor Sam’s great grandmother Allie! The legacy lives on!

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Welcome to 30

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