If I’m Shining Everybody Gonna Shine #ShineOn2020

If I’m Shining Everybody Gonna Shine #ShineOn2020

Praise sweet little 8 pounds 6 oz newborn infant baby Jesus, we are in 2020. 2019 is over and we have a mental restart for 2020. Insert happy dance here. In the last year, I have learned so much about attitude and perspective.

Attitude—the way you behave and respond to things around you or your overall demeanor about life. Attitude can determine who you interact with, how the interaction goes, and what you are left with at the end. Your attitude is often what people are left remembering, not necessarily what you said.

In the past, my attitude would leave people feeling less than they were or not wanting to work with me. Over the last year and a half, I have worked on this part of my life. I hated making people feel like shit but in full honesty, I didn’t realize what I was doing because no one spoke up to tell me. Until my current team brought it to my attention.  

Perspective—what is your outlook on a certain situation but on the other side, what is someone’s perception of you.  Perception = reality. If you start to believe that a situation you are in is horrible and you are the victim, you will have that mentality when trying to overcome it. If a person’s perception of you is you are dumb, they are going to treat you that way.

Both attitude and perception work together. People determine their overall perception of you based on your attitude and your perception of a situation determines your attitude.

My theme for 2020 comes from a lyric in a Lizzo song “if I’m shining everybody gonna shine.” This lyric really made me stop and ask myself, am I shining and letting others shine? Am I being my most loving self to others and being uplifting to their needs? The answer wasn’t always yes, and it broke my heart. I want to look at the people around me and see them being their best self and shining, no matter what they are going through.

In 2020, I promise to shine. Like a diamond, I promise to sparkle, be tough, be wanted, be confident, and be unique. I promise to instill these traits in everyone I meet and build people up, never to tear them down. This is the year where no matter what is happening, I am going to stand tall, and shine. 2020 is going to be an amazing year, and I have a lot of surprises up my sleeve!

Here is my attitude for 2020- I am a strong, confidant woman who can take on anything thrown at me. I am tough and nothing will knock me down. & My 2020 perspective- nothing is going to take away my shine. Everything happens for a reason as long as you are open to what is happening around you. I am taking control over my attitude and perception of 2020.


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