Winter Classic 2020- Dallas Vs Nashville

Winter Classic 2020- Dallas Vs Nashville

As huge hockey fans we jumped at the chance to buy Winter Classic tickets in Dallas back in April 2019 when they first went on sale. At the time of purchase, we had low expectations for the southernmost outdoor hockey game, we did not expect the two days we experienced.

Day 1

We took the three-hour drive from Austin listening to our Spotify decade wrap up and the Spittin Chiclets podcast with our usual stop at Buc-ee’s. We were on a mission to get to our hotel with enough time to change and get over to The Rustic to see the boys- RA, Whitney, & Biz from Spittin Chiclets.

Sam was pumped. These guys are what get him through the week and recently, what have helped him with my cancer diagnosis. Thank you Spittin Chiclets for having Eddie Olczyk on your show to talk about his journey through cancer.

We walk into The Rustic and the place is full of hockey fans, our people. Through the sea of jerseys you could not see a single chair or table in sight. I started to panic. Since starting chemo I cannot stand or walk for long periods of time. My body is fueling everything to fight this cancer rather than walking. Here comes a hot flash of panic. I scan the room for a place to prop up. Next to the stage there is a booth completely empty. Damn a reserved sign sits on top. To the right of the stage there is a long padded bench. I tell Sam to stay where he is while I investigate why no one is sitting there. I start to talk to a couple at the table next to the bench and they explain it’s for the host’s guests. Fuck. I am not going to make it and cancer is going to ruin this experience for Sam. I cannot let this happen. Finally, I speak to the GM of The Rustic and explain the situation. After being a little rude, he explains I can sit at the crowded table in front of the stage. Happily. I will not ruin this for Sam. We sit down next to some of the most awesome hockey fans and get ready for the show.


The show was INCREDIBLE. The boys had amazing guests, including Tim Stapleton who has a similar MRI story to myself and is just hilarious. They tell of hockey stories, golf stories, and a mutual hatred for the NBA (thanks Whitney.) We didn’t stop laughing or smiling the whole hour and a half they were on stage.

After the show, I rushed the stage, got a hoodie and got to meet Whitney! He even signed my Spittin Chiclets Fuck Cancer shirt!

It was an amazing start to the Winter Classic and an amazing end to 2019.

Day 2

We woke up way too early to get to our first event of the day- Pink Whitney Pavilion Meet & Greet with Spittin Chiclets. Yes. We are obsessed.

The whole state fairgrounds was covered in victory green, the color of the Dallas Stars. For miles you could not see a Predators fan. People were enjoying the state fair rides, games and food… oh and beer. Truly signs were everywhere with men at first saying they didn’t want the girly drink then downing five of them. Everyone was happy. We were all starting 2020 off with hockey, what could there be to complain about.

We get to the Pink Whitney Pavilion and Sam immediately gets a Pink Whitney (a drink that is now always in our house.) We sit down and prepare for another Spittin Chiclets event! The guys who were supposed to be interviewed by the great Jeremy Roenick were now being interviewed by Dallas Stars great, Craig Ludwig. We got to learn a little more about what makes the Spittin Chiclets great.

At the end of the event we got to meet RA, Biz, and Grinelli. What a great start to a hockey filled day!

We exit the pavilion having our cups filled and enter immediately into a sea of people trying to get into the game. This sea of green is a less welcomed one. People are shoulder to shoulder packed in between the games and rides trying to enter the Cotton Bowl. As pressed forward like schools of fish we spent the next 45 minutes being pushed, shoved, and sneezed on trying to get into the classic.

We finally entered the stadium around noon trying to find our way to our seats. Section 27, Row 34, seats 2 & 3. The view was amazing. We could see the whole rink, the dancers, the stage, the longhorn, and most importantly the pig races.

The game started off with an amazing performance from Texas natives, Midland, and the National Anthem sung by Jake Hoot. Once the puck dropped, the Predators seemed to do everything right. Their pass game was strong and shots on net were targeted and determined. The Predators wanted this win more than the Stars. The Stars didn’t wake up and look like a team until the end of the 2nd period.

On commercial breaks we got to see a glimpse into the State fair. The most notable part of the side shows was the Pig Races! There were three rounds and one final! Sam choose 2 out of 3 winners and I choose the overall winner “Ro-HAM Josi.” During the second intermission we watched Dan + Shay kill it on stage, although, I was the only one in my area to be screaming all the lyrics… its cool, I enjoyed it.

The game overall as amazing with Dallas coming back to winning 4-2! The sea of Victory Green was elated!

The event beat all expectations and got us pumped for 2020!! Onward to Minnesota 2021!!

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If I’m Shining Everybody Gonna Shine #ShineOn2020

If I’m Shining Everybody Gonna Shine #ShineOn2020

Fuck You 2019

Fuck You 2019