America Gave Me Cancer… common misconceptions on what causes cancer

America Gave Me Cancer… common misconceptions on what causes cancer

When I was first diagnosed with cancer people felt the need to put my life choices under the microscope looking for a reason for me to have cancer. I get it, no one wants to believe that someone at 28 can randomly get cancer. But I did. I have come to accept it, why can’t everyone else?

Cancer does not care who you are, what your life looks like, what plans you have for the future, or how healthy you are. Cancer attacks whoever it wants. But, let’s talk about the common misconceptions I have heard since being diagnosed with cancer.

1.     Sugar causes cancer to spread.

This is a common misconception. The reason most people believe sugar causes cancer to spread is because all cells depend on glucose for energy. However, normal amounts of sugar will not affect cancer. Sugar can cause weight gain or diabetes which may higher the risk of cancer but sugar itself will not cause cancer.

I am not a big sugar eater either, but this was the first thing people told me to stop eating. 

2.     Artificial Sweeteners

Before I get into the misconceptions, artificial sweeteners are gross and have a weird taste to me, just like diet soda drinks (I do not drink sodas or consume artificial sweeteners.)

There is no link to cancer in certain artificial sweeteners. People very quickly threw artificial sweeteners in the mix of things to avoid.

3.     Plastic Food Containers

The most common misconception is plastic food containers in the microwave releasing cancer causing toxins into the food. Now, I love plastic containers. They are cheap and get the job done. However, I was not mad when people came to my house and purged the plastic containers. The truth of the matter is, if the plastic is microwave safe, it does not have toxins to release into your food. If you’re low on cash and can only afford plastic containers, you’re safe.

4.     Bras not fitting properly or bra in general

This one is the most ridiculous to me. RIDICULOUS. I will continue wearing a bra and actually, tighter bras are required after surgery to help your body heal. The thought that a bra could restrict the lymph node fluid to the breast is idiotic. If this was the case, every single female would have breast cancer. STOP SHAMING WOMAN especially when there is not any evidence to support the claim.

5.     Cell Phones

One of the first questions I got was, did you ever put your phone in your sports bra? Yes- I was a teenager, no this did not cause me to get cancer. This is still one of the myths that is constantly being researched because there is a lot of unknown. I would recommend women to not carry their cell phone in their bra, but there is no concrete evidence to show the link of cell phones and breast cancer.

6.     Deodorant

Okay- I am not going to be the smelly kid in class. I am going to continue to wear deodorant, I have switched to aluminum free deodorant, mainly to appease my family.

This is another misconception that does not have concrete evidence and also asks for woman to stop shaving under their arms. This is one of the few things the media will grab hold of to cause hysteria.

7.     Coloring your hair

Listen, there are very few ways I feel I can express myself. My hair color is one of those. An article in December came out stating woman who color their hair darker colors are at a higher risk of breast cancer. There is not enough evidence to prove this theory. Meaning, there is not enough evidence to make me stop doing something I love.

8.     Lack of Exercise

I work out regularly and enjoy working out. I am not obese by any stretch of the imagination, but I still got questions about how active I am. A sedentary lifestyle is a dangerous one and has a lot of health risks, but breast cancer is not one of them.

Even with all of these myths floating around and articles being pushed through social media, no cancer survivor should have to feel like one decision caused them to get cancer. Breast cancer is one that is well known and often talked about, yet a lot of people still do not understand what causes breast cancer. Basically, everything Americans enjoy causes cancer.

Life is short enough already. Life should also be enjoyed. Everything can be enjoyed in moderation and exercise can be fun! Go shine on and stop believing these myths!  

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