For 28 years, my life was seemingly perfect. Yes, there were hard times, there was loss, there was pain, but I am one of the fortunate few. I have been blessed with an amazing nuclear family. My parents have been madly in love since my mother was 15 and continued to show that love and support to me. I never wanted for anything, my voice was always welcomed and supported — and I know that is not the case for the majority of women in this world. My parents are my best friends, my confidants, my everything, and because of that, I had an amazing life. 

Now, my life has been turned upside down, and it will never be the same. On June 21, 2019, my father suddenly passed away. I lost my best friend. My everything. The one person in this world who would never judge me but instead help with WHATEVER I needed. 

Fast forward to October 2019, I have stage four metastatic breast cancer that has spread to my bones. While grieving the loss of my best friend, I am now grieving parts of my life, and learning what this new normal looks like. 

My journey over the next few years is not going to be an easy one. Each day is going to look different — hell, each moment might look different. I am learning how to move on and move forward with my life in what will be my hardest year. 

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